Registered with the British Dietetics Association (BDA) and Healthcare Professionals Council (HCPC).
Dietitians are the only qualified healthcare professionals that assess, diagnose and treat dietary and nutritional problems.
I'm Jacqueline, a Specialist Dietitian and expert in family nutrition. I established Nutritional to provide personalised nutritional advice for parents and young people.
I re-trained as a Dietitian after a career in the Pharmaceutical industry, where I worked in partnership with key opinion leaders in the medical profession to interpret and translate clinical trials. Impartial clinical evidence remains at the heart of my nutritional practice.
I have a first-class degree in Nutrition and Dietetics from King's College London. In addition to paediatric NHS experience in acute London hospitals, I've worked as a specialist Child and Adolescent Mental Health CAMHS dietitian in a number of settings.
I also have a degree in Psychology, guiding the development of a supportive relationship with clients to form new long-lasting habits.
I now balance my time between private clients, clinical work at Priory Hospital, Roehampton and pro bono work with families at risk of food insecurity.
In my spare time, I love walking our dog in the countryside with my husband and three children, listening to podcasts and spending time by the beach.

Why is good nutrition in children so important?
Good nutrition has many benefits for children including healthy growth, good immunity, stabilising moods and energy levels as well as improving concentration. A healthy diet can also help to prevent chronic diseases in later life, as we are more likely to continue with healthy eating habits if we learn them at a younger age.
For many people, healthy eating habits are hard to establish and there are many reasons for this. From busy lives, to fussy eaters, food allergies and illness, there are challenges from pregnancy through to teens. For parents, this can be stressful and difficult to navigate without proper dietetic guidance.
Feeding your family has never been more confusing with so many often contradictory messages about healthy eating. The evidence suggests that different diets suit different people and this is because we are all unique; we vary not only physically but also in our lifestyles and food preferences. There is simply no 'one size to fits all' when it comes to healthy eating.
Finding reliable advice can be arduous with so much information available to sift through, and unresolved questions over what is the best advice and little guidance on how to adapt this for your own needs and lifestyle. GPs have little nutritional training and are focused on immediate medical issues, making dietetic consultations the best solution for food-related issues.
As a Registered Paediatric Dietitian and expert in family nutrition, I am able to carry out a full assessment and provide a personal nutrition plan based on latest evidence-based nutritional knowledge. If needed I can provide ongoing support to establish new routines in manageable steps. If necessary I can co-ordinate care-plans with your GP.

What is the difference between a Dietitian and a Nutritionist?
As both a Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist, this is a question I am often asked!
Registered Dietitians are nutritional professionals qualified to assess, diagnose and treat nutrition related problems. The term ‘Dietitian’ or ‘Dietician’ is regulated by law.
Registered Dietitians have a recognised university degree or post graduate qualification in nutritional science and undertake supervised training in both clinical and community settings. All Dietitians must be registered with the Health and Care Professionals Council (HCPC), indicating they are fit to practice and work to the highest standards. Registered professionals must keep up to date through compulsory Continued Professional Development (CPD).
Like myself, many dietitians work in the NHS and private healthcare, in hospitals and GP practices, advising patients in need of therapeutic dietary advice. They may also work in public health and community services promoting better health through nutrition.
Unlike Dietitians, the title nutritionist is not legally protected and includes graduate nutritionists and those who have completed part-time or distance learning courses.
Those who complete degree level courses in nutrition that qualify as having an adequate standard according to The Association for Nutrition (AfN) can join their register as Associate Nutritionists (ANutr).
Being both a Registered Dietitian (RD) and an Associate Nutritionist (ANutr) means I am able to:
Interpret and translate the complex and rapidly advancing science of nutrition into practical advice.
Draw on on consultation skills and behaviour change techniques to understand your goals and provide ongoing support and care.
Recognise underlying health issues and arrange referral to your GP as appropriate.

Turning the complexity of nutritional science into easy to follow plans
HCPC registered with relevant NHS experience
Working with young people & parents to provide nutritional solutions